So close and yet so far - it‘s a narrow line.
I like playing with it. You only need to stretch out your arm and you could grasp what is pictured. You could and you would like to but you wouldn‘t. The people are in a «bubble», protected by a fine layer of inviolability.
personal project
compositions of male and female bodies January – April 2020
So close and yet so far - it‘s a narrow line.
I like playing with it. You only need to stretch out your arm and you could grasp what is pictured. You could and you would like to but you wouldn‘t. The people are in a «bubble», protected by a fine layer of inviolability.
personal project
compositions of male and female bodies January – April 2020
«A pass or a way through range of hills.»
Wir fuhren über Pässe, an hohen Bergen vorbei, auf en- gen Strassen, durch schmale Gassen, durch Licht und Schatten. Das Wasser des Sees glitzerte von der Sonne. Ich war geblendet, auch von dieser Schönheit.
Die Natur berührt mich genauso, wie es der menschliche Körper tut. Die Gleichheit und Ähnlichkeit von Mensch und Natur zu suchen, zu entdecken und darzustellen, wurde zum Inhalt dieser fotografisch umgesetzten Arbeit.
ETH Architektur Bsc
Körper Kompositionen
Mai 2018