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Building No. 2773


For 46 years, the Lindenfeld residential home has offered men with social, mental or addiction-related impairments a professionally supervised home with the aim of reintegrating them into society. 2023 saw the officially listed "Building No. 2773" building demolished. The toilets and showers are no longer up to date, the building services are outdated and the building is contaminated with asbestos. With the demolition, the architectural traces inside and outside the building, which was visibly built with limited financial resources, disappear. The architectural traces in the interior and exterior of the building were recorded by means of as-built surveys. An archive section takes us back to the 1950s, when the Lindenfeld dormitory was founded with great difficulty.


HSLU Camera Arts

Photographs, archival material, website, publication



Group exhibition Emmenbrücke Genius Loci, HSLU DFK, 2022

Building No. 2773


​​For 46 years, the Lindenfeld residential home offered men with social, mental or addiction-related impairments a professionally supervised home with the aim of reintegrating them into society.


In 2023, the officially listed Building No. 2773 was demolished. The toilets and showers were no longer up to date, the building services outdated and the house was contaminated with Asbestos. With the demolition, the archi-tectural traces of the building, which was visibly built with limited financial resources, disappeared. I captured the interior and exterior of the building in photographs. An archive section in the book takes the viewer back to

the 1970s, when it took a lot of effort to create the project.

HSLU Camera Arts
Publication (photographs and archive material)


Group exhibition Emmenbrücke Genius Loci, HSLU DFK, 2022

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